
Monday, September 27, 2010

Woah!!! Post 400!

Soo...I was thinking...I can't believe I have posted 400 blog entries thus far! That is incredible! I am at almost 20,000 hits since I began this goal this year (first time I ever set a goal) was to do at least 10 entries a that's 120 for the year...and here it is, the end of September and I'm at 113 for the year already!!!

So, does that mean I get a couple of months off? Haa! Naa...even if you wouldn't miss me I'll still be around...after all I have some pretty big things coming up! I am especially excited about my Fashion Forward Workshop in October! There are still a few spaces available you should sign up! This one is for 8 years and older...yes...Carol, you can come...I know how you love fashion and crafts! ;)

Onto today's it is...we must really love pirates around here...
This crab was just too cute to not acknowledge!
And the back...
I have learned a lot this year. A lot of it has to do with the week I spent with Klara Johnson...that was SO fun! Wow...what a great year it's been so far!

Well, that's all for today.


PS the cake is Vanilla with Cookies and Cream Filling and Chocolate with Cookies and Cream Filling. My kids were at the party where it was served...they approved!

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