
Monday, August 23, 2010

Beach Bums @ work!

You know...there is nothing I love more than a great party! Things have been quiet here in the workshop lately as the beautiful weather means more BBQs and less time in the workshop. So, I was delighted to have a group of kids in yesterday...some of them have even been here before (I love that too!)

Of course, we made cupcakes...
And if you didn't already know...Shrink Art is one of my favourite things so we made key chains for the kids to put on their backpacks...
These 2 boys cracked me up...they got right into things when it was their turn!
And the oven shot...who knew that an oven could be one of the main events at a birthday party!?
It was a beach theme so we made flip flop books! They were fun to do with the kids but there was a lot of knot tying to be done!!!
We also made beach cupcakes but I didn't get a very good photo of can see them here if you like!

Well, I'm off to do some baking and get ready for another party! We're gonna have a bunch of princesses in the house later today!


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