
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Cake Boss Jr!

I would like to start with the disclaimer that the kids do not help with cakes that leave the house...this was our baby's cake so I had an apprentice along for the ride this week!

Sean created all of the rocks on the cake...
And he was also in charge of the 'dirt'. Look how hard he worked at scooping up the extra to fill the dump truck with!
Here is our finished cake. A precedent was set a few years ago that I can't seem to escape...and that is the toys on the cake...the kids love it, DH loves it...I wanted to do something a little different but it was not permitted! It was all about the trucks.

I did have fun with that 'caution' tape though!

And look how delighted our baby was with the whole thing!
Yum! And some of his very own trucks to boot!
Happy Birthday Baby!


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