
Monday, June 07, 2010

You did WHAT???

Please forgive me if you are here for my it's a bit of a personal post. I have friends from away that read my blog to try and keep up with me and my antics...I was talking to a friend the other day telling her how crazy we are...

A lot of people ask what it's like with a third child...well, with the 4 year gap between the baby and the next one in line things get a little crazy sometimes...we took the kids on the Maid of the Mist back when Simon was just weeks old...
Then last year, we went cave exploring with Simon when he was just over a year old...a weak moment perhaps?
Then a few weeks ago we took the kids on our first ever Road Rally...right-O! It was fun but I didn't take photos at the end when we were harried and exhausted...just at the beginning when the faces were still bright and happy!
Then there was crazy hair day...
It's hard to see Sean's hair in this photo but it's a pretty wild 'do. They were so pleased to have hair like this...
This is just a glimpse of a few of the things we have done over the last 2 years since Simon was born...but really, who would ever dream of taking a baby cave exploring? Possibly the same people who put their son into a split in the rocks to retrieve their cell phone? Perhaps...



  1. Heather, having known you for as long as I have I would believe that put your son into split rocks to retrieve your cell

  2. Yes, we do some crazy things...but we wouldn't do any of them if we didn't think it was safe for our children. Sean was a totally willing participant when I put him down was just about chest deep on him so he was totally retrievable! ;)
