
Friday, June 25, 2010

My little fashionista!

So, Sarah is a bit of a stretch...someone asked if she is 10 the other day! Whew! While she's not the tallest in her class she always stretches out of her pants before they get too tight...I have had a pair of her jeans waiting for a facelift for a few months now and FINALLY I got to it!Thanks to Skip to My Lou for posting this awesome tutorial! It was easy...I read the tut, filed it away mentally, made the skirt then had to re-find it when people started asking me 'How DID you do that?'
Isn't she the cutest? Gosh, what happens when I'm not cool enough to make her stuff anymore??? Oh but wait that almost happened!
See those shorts she's wearing? Well, not really right? They were faded denim shorts that just didn't suit Sarah's taste...she refused to wear them. So I combined them with a pair of pants she cut a hole in (don't even get me started...) and came up with this...
The lace was from the ankles (they were stretchy leggings). I sewed the pink fabric on the inside of the shorts and then snipped the denim.
We did one on the back too...since I couldn't get my machine into the back pocket, that pocket is no longer accessible...Sarah agreed that fashion was more important that function in this case and we went for it. Oh and if you are wondering about how we actually did the appliques...check this tutorial out! Lil Blue Boo is another place I love to go for inspiration!

So what was my faux pas you ask? Well, Sarah struggled with matching these shorts to anything! Oh the drama! I went into her drawers and pulled out half a dozen things that work...she suggested that the shorts need another colour to make it easier to match!

Oh well, I got them on her...we'll see if she wears them again or if she just politely keeps them in her drawer...the skirt was definitely a hit at least!


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