
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Look out we come...

Well, one fine Saturday afternoon I had a lovely bunch of young ladies join me to prepare themselves for Hollywood.
First we made sleep masks so they could get their beauty sleep...Then while those were setting we worked on making some strawberry and chocolate lip gloss...we all need a little sparkle...Then the lights went out...I always thought "Lights, Camera, Action!" meant turn the lights on!!! However, we lost power about 45mins into the party so please forgive my darker photos here!

We were very fortunate in that the cupcakes were baked in time. Each of the girls swirled some icing on their cupcakes and topped them with fondant stars! They loved that!And finally, here are the superstars ready to go!Strike a pose ladies!

Some really neat touches the mother of the birthday girl included were; the fab sunglasses, STARburst candies and Gingerale and Orange Crush in plastic wine glasses.

They were a lovely bunch of girls! We had a ton of fun even if we had to do it without the lights!


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