
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pampering Fest 2010!

I have to tell you...I am very excited about Pampering Fest 2010! It is on January 30th from 11am till 4pm...please DO stop by...there will be so much stuff for all you ladies to enjoy! Need tickets? Let me can buy them from me.

Anyway, part of Pampering Fest is having give-aways...last year I gave away super cute lollies turned flowers. I loved them, they were fun, simple and quite simply, a hit!

So this year I have been looking for another perfect idea...I turned to my friend at Skip to my Lou (ever been there? You should totally check it out!) She had this really neat I went and bought about 500 or so mini candy canes (did you know that I always jump in both feet without looking?)
There they candy canes...With them, I made took me 2 hours to make 14...unwrapping the candy canes was brutal (look for ones that are not shrink wrapped), they were almost all broken and they didn't melt as beautifully as hers did...boy was I sad...I know...cute idea right? Maybe it's not quite right for me. As a friend who was here that day said...'I think these are a little too delicate' then she promptly broke it before it reached the tray again. Ooops...point taken!

Ahhh well, back to the drawing board!!!


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