
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Doin' it all for my babies...

As you may know...I have been waiting not so patiently for the photographs to come back from our photographer, Racheal Stevens (it only took a week but then we were away...) Racheal came out to take some photos at The Big Birthday Party. This is a birthday party that we hold for all 3 of our children (their birthdays are within 6 weeks of one another). Well, this year their party was hosted by Creative Bug in a big way...

Our theme was Yellow (for Sarah), Blue (for Sean) and Red (for Simon).

The loot bags and an invitation...
The banner (these can be custom ordered to suit your theme or decorations)...
The Candy (I love candy!)Some of the food (do you see the recurring theme here)The drinks...
The cutlery and napkins...The cupcakes...Did someone say cupcakes? The Blue were Blueberry Cream, the Red, Red Velvet and the Yellow were Coconut...Yummy!The Birthday Bunch!Thank you Racheal for coming out! We sure had fun! If you would like to see more of Racheal's work find her on Facebook or check out her website!

I will share more photos with you soon...for now I have a cake waiting to be baked!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like quite an amazing party! Love the color scheme. And, your kids are adorable!
