
Monday, August 24, 2009

I scream, you scream...

we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!

Well, when I did my first Buggy Birthday the deal was that Sarah would get one herself when her birthday rolled around 9 months later! So here we are 9 whole months later. This was a tricky one since Sarah's 2 best friends are creative do you need to be to keep 2 7 year-old BOYS at the table? Well, it depends...
I think they had a good time! Of course stopping and going outside to see the fire hydrant being flushed was likely the highlight for them! ;) I figure why fight it...just enjoy it! The kids loved the water flowing everywhere!
We made and decorated Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes, Hardening Chocolate Sauce (yep, we made it!) and packaged the sauce all up with our tags, spoons, bowls and sprinkles! The chocolate sauce has been getting rave reviews since it went home! We sure enjoyed it!!!We took it outside once we were done our work 'cause it was HOT! That's also why the kids aren't wearing aprons...anything to stay cool! Here they are...and would you believe that everyone Sarah invited managed to come? Isn't that something? Whew!And of wouldn't be a party without a silly picture!Happy Birthday Baby Girl!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Ahem! That's CUPcake lady to you!

As I was putting the finishing touches on this order yesterday, my husband said 'You are becoming the neighbourhood Cakelady.' Well, I must say, I do disagree! I think I am more of a cupcake lady myself!

Here are yesterday's delights!
Little Kate who just turned 3 wanted a pink cupcake. Her mother told me I could do what I wanted as long as they were peanut-free and there was at least 1 pink cupcake. Well, you can't make just 1 pink one! Chocolate and Vanilla Cake were on the menu but we dressed them up extra nice...
There is something about those Double they make you happy too? They sure do make me happy! Ohhh, and did you notice how nice the cupcake stand that DH made me is looking? I am loving the ribbons...isn't he the best???
Here are my friends all lined up and ready to go!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Celebrate Life...

When God closes a door, a window opens...

We have spent this week remembering Martin's Granddad. Our childrens' Great Granddad. We didn't see him a lot but with his recent death the kids have had so many questions so we figured who better to answer them and spend some time with us but our minister.

So we ate together, we prayed together and we lit candles together...

Sarah and Sean each made a candle to light and I made one for Simon so they would each have a memento by which to remember him. God Bless.

And here is our window...I have spent the last few weeks trying to catch up...I am still miles behind but I am sure you know what I mean! Anyway, I am proud to say they are up...
We have a complete set of hand and footprints. Simon's are 2 months later than Sarah and Sean's but they are there and you can't even tell! ;)

Finally, the ultimate representation of life...these invitations are for a friend of mine. She called me in a panic wanting something for her daughter's butterfly birthday party...
I spent some time getting the writing just right but I really wanted to have 'Flutter by for Jenna's' follow the curve of the wing. I wish I was doing the whole party! I love this stuff!
Well, the kiddies are quiet and I have some work to do so off I go!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So Happy Together...

Just because I can't help are a few more photos from the birthday party...

The balloons...they were so confused at the store...Ma'am do you know that you have 7s, 5s and 1s? Yep! Okay?
Sprinkles are just so fun...Because they are so cute...they are wearing their colours and check out the banners I made for them...Simon loved the colours!Here we are's so hard to get a serious photo of a family of 5...seems to me so little about life should be taken seriously anyway...(did you notice the kids t-shirts?)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Doin' it all for my babies...

As you may know...I have been waiting not so patiently for the photographs to come back from our photographer, Racheal Stevens (it only took a week but then we were away...) Racheal came out to take some photos at The Big Birthday Party. This is a birthday party that we hold for all 3 of our children (their birthdays are within 6 weeks of one another). Well, this year their party was hosted by Creative Bug in a big way...

Our theme was Yellow (for Sarah), Blue (for Sean) and Red (for Simon).

The loot bags and an invitation...
The banner (these can be custom ordered to suit your theme or decorations)...
The Candy (I love candy!)Some of the food (do you see the recurring theme here)The drinks...
The cutlery and napkins...The cupcakes...Did someone say cupcakes? The Blue were Blueberry Cream, the Red, Red Velvet and the Yellow were Coconut...Yummy!The Birthday Bunch!Thank you Racheal for coming out! We sure had fun! If you would like to see more of Racheal's work find her on Facebook or check out her website!

I will share more photos with you soon...for now I have a cake waiting to be baked!


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Habgood Family!

After meeting the director of Camp Bimini I asked her if I could go to camp...well it turns out that they have Family Camp! SO, we packed the car (to the rafters) and headed out on a 1.5hr trek to Camp Bimini near Stratford, ON.
We had to introduce ourselves so in true Habgood Style we sang a little song to the tune of The Addams Family theme song....

na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (sing three times then snap fingers twice)
The Habgood Family

Martin is so handy,
We think he is a dandy,
He eats cake and candy.

The Habgood Family.
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (sing three times then snap fingers twice)
The Habgood Family

Heather loves the kitchen,
Her treats are...finger lickin'
She likes her team to pitch in!

The Habgood Family.
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (sing three times then snap fingers twice)
The Habgood Family

Sarah is so silly,
She's also very frilly,
She's no trouble really!

The Habgood Family.
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (sing three times then snap fingers twice)
The Habgood Family

Sean is so busy,
He'll make ya really dizzy,
He puts us in a tizzy!

The Habgood Family.
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (sing three times then snap fingers twice)
The Habgood Family

Simon is so happy,
He won't sit in your lappy,
He's got a dirty nappy!

The Habgood Family.
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (sing three times then snap fingers twice)
The Habgood Family

Life is pretty ducky,
Even when it's mucky,
We think we're pretty lucky!

The Habgood Family.
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (snap fingers twice)
na na na nah (sing three times then snap fingers twice)
The Habgood Family

Here is some sidewalk chalk art that Martin and Sarah did when they got home from camp on Monday.
To our friend Carol and all our new counselor friends. Thank you!
