
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

TWD Linzer Sables

So, it would seem that it is Wednesday but for all of you staunch TWD'ers out there...I did have these done yesterday...I swear! Somewhere under the laundry and dishes of being a stay at home mom with a 5 month old, 4 year old and a 6 year old...I have been overwhelmed the last month! So, there have been a LOT of rewinds that were not part of the game but fun none-the-less! In fact, I have to admit to just finishing the twofer pie but never taking any pictures. The family LOVED it though!!!

Here they little babies. These were quite simple to make and very enjoyable, I would like to thank Noskos of Living the Life for choosing this recipe! Although, I do not understand Dorie's fascination with refridgeration. I found that an hour in the freezer made this dough hard to handle...or maybe just too cold to hold!

Now, since it says to put the powered sugar on just before serving I did it at 6am so my DH could take them to work...sadly I couldn't find my sifter and really wasn't going to bend my mind looking for my sugar is a little clumpy.I was sad to pack them up without actually trying one but lucky me my DH had one left over at the end of the day...and it was fabulous!!!
Well, baby is calling!
