
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

TWD Grandma's All-Occaision Sugar Cookies

Well, I am quite pleased with myself in that I have managed to complete this one on time in full! Things have been so crazy lately that I have been slacking a bit and when I do create a Dorie recipe it's not necessarily the recipe of the week.

I would like to thank Ulrike of Küchenlatein for chosing Grandma’s All-Occasion Sugar Cookies on pages 146-147. These were the perfect excuse to get my Christmas Trees made and to spend some time with my kids!!!

So, here I am getting everything organized for them...well, here is all the stuff organized at least!

Now here is Sean hard at work...just look at that icing. Wouldn't Grandma be proud?

And here is Sarah...they each chose their colour...
Here is Sarah with her completed tree...we will fill the tray with cookies when it's time to host some events...
Sean's tree is dedicated to a Christmas Party we will be attending next weekend...he is very much looking forward to consuming it!

I am really looking forward to next week's choice made by Heather of Randomosity and the Girls she chose Buttery Jam Cookies on page 80.



  1. Although the tree idea, make out of piled up stars is an ingenious one... I must add, that you have beautiful children! ...and obviously, those cookies made their proud eyes sparkle!
    Totaly gorgeous! ...what beautiful memories you baked them, Heather!

  2. Oh, I loooove the sugar cookie trees! How cute. And so much easier to do with kids than making gingerbread houses. Yeesh.

  3. Oh, I have seen these Christmas tree cookies before and just thought they were adorable...I need to make these...really, thanks for the inspiration on this...I think I can do this!

    Sean and Sarah did a great job...please let them know I was very impressed!

  4. What a GREAT Christmas Tree!!! Your helpers are quite the talented ones, aren't they? :)

  5. I love the pictures of your kids decorating their cookie trees. They did a great job and it looks like they had fun doing it.
