
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

TWD Buttery Jam Cookies

I would like to thank Heather of Randomosity and the Girl for chosing Buttery Jam Cookies on page 80. It was nice to have nut free treats for a change! Don't get me wrong, I am a nutty girl but I do need a selection of nut-free goodies for the holidays.

I didn't get to take any photos while I was making them but here are a few of them ready to go be enjoyed as I deliver them along with a poinsettia and a Christmas Card to an elderly couple that are no longer able to attend our church.

Next week's recipe is Real Butterscotch Pudding as chosen by Donna of Spatulas, Corkscrews & Suitcases. Not sure if I will have time with the holidays so quickly approaching but we shall see!



  1. What a wonderful gift! I'm sure they will be enjoyed.

  2. Your cookies look great and that card is awesome!

  3. This is a great time of year to bake lots cause we can give it away as presents. Great Gift.
