
Saturday, December 20, 2008

T'was the Night Before Christmas Holidays...

Things have been a little hairy around here to say the the night before Christmas Holidays...what did we do?

Well, I was feeling festive so I decided to try out some candy cane sprinkles I had in my cupboard in pancakes...we often have breakfast for supper when my husband works late...just one of the things we do around here!!!

So, I sprinkled them on while they were cooking and then flipped the pancakes. I must say...I was pleasantly surprised by the delightful flavour this created! We may actually revisit this soon!

Next Sarah pulled her first loose tooth out! It was bothering her so I suggested she give it a little twist and the next thing we knew she had it in her hand! I am not certain who was more excited...her or Sean!!!

Finally, Sarah and I walked to Tim Horton's to get gift cards for the teachers and Stan our crossing guard. I don't know what we would do without Stan!!! Anyway, I would normally create something but time is running short so we used these gift card cards and away we went!

Here is a peak at the inside of one! It's nice to be clearing out some of my extra cards I have hanging around here!

Then off to bed to get ready for the last day of school!!!


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