
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

TWD Kugelhopf

Well, I debated participating in this week's selection because it had mixed reviews and it seemed a little time-consuming but then again...with the agony I am in due to poison ivy a little distraction is always appreciated!!!

So here I am with Yolanda's choice of Kugelhopf it can be found on pages 61-63. Just look at all that ooey gooey butter!!!

Now, I let mine rise while I was out at the doctor's yesterday...Sarah has strep, Simon is good (just a cold) and my poison ivy is the worst case they had ever, we got home at about 5pm and I was meant to be leaving the house again around 6:30pm....hmmmm....

So, I baked the bread/cake anyway and didn't read the part about putting the butter and sugar on it while it was still hot out of the oven. Ooops! I just did that this morning since I couldn't sleep anyway...the latest prescription I am on I am supposed to take with food so I figure a couple of pieces of kugelhopf couldn't hurt...

Then I put the rest in a container for my husband to take to work with that I have been up for well over an hour...the burning/itching agonizing pain seems to be subsiding thanks to the benedryl. I am looking forward to picking up the latest cream that has been prescribed this morning at the pharmacy to see if this one actually works...

So, I am going get my itchy self out of here and I am looking forward to making next week's arborio rice pudding as selected by Isabelle of Les gourmandises d’Isa.

I hope my husband's colleagues enjoy the bread because it is going, going, going...



  1. Thank you for baking with me. It looks great.

  2. Looks great.

    Sorry for the itchies.

  3. Your topping actually looks like a scrumptious glaze! Awesome job!

  4. Your topping looks awesome! Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Sorry about the poison ivy!
    Get well soon...

  6. Ugh, poison ivy is torture. But your kugelhopf looks mighty good.

  7. So sorry about your poisen ivy! Your kugelhopf came out great, though!
