
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

TWD Lennox Almond Biscotti

It always seems to escape me to take photos before I put my treats in the oven! Honestly...sometimes I feel like there isn't a lot left now that I have 3 kids!!! Ah well, this week's delight is Lenox Almond Biscotti on page 141-143 as chosen by Gretchen of Canela & Comino.My what big loaves you have Mummy! They are a little lumpy and uneven...this has been put on the request for a repeat list so I will have to try to make them a little more even next time!

I sliced my loaves, and lined them up like soldiers for baking and let me tell you...biscotti is a treat for all ages. I have to admit...I have packed it all up save 2 peices for the kids to avoid eating it myself. They will be off to the office with my husband first thing tomorrow morning. What a delightful surprise his colleagues will be having with their coffee tomorrow!

It was Thanksgiving today and the best thing about it (as with most long weekends) we got a bunch of things off of our to do lists but spent some time together as a family as we are at the Ball's Falls Festival. This is the first photo of the 5 of us together! Hooray! I made Martin ask an innocent bystander to take this photo so we could finally have one of all of us...

Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving to my all my Canadian readers!


  1. Great looking cookies! I'm glad they were well liked. Hope you had a happy thanksgiving.

    Oh, and I love the Peter Rabbit mug! Nice looking family!

  2. what a gorgeous picture of you and your family!

  3. Your biscotti look absolutely wonderful. My logs spread a ton too, but I understand the need for an excuse to make them again :)

  4. What a great family photo! Your biscotti is gorgeous too!

  5. Those biscotti look gorgeous! I hope you enjoyed them after your Thanksgiving meal!

  6. wonderful biscotti! and a nice family photo. I'm sure you have your hands full with three!

  7. Your biscotti look great! And a super family photo too!

  8. Great looking biscotti -- and family!

    Thanksgiving is in October in Canada? I had no idea (sorry about my ignorance but thanks for enlightening me!)

  9. Those look like some tasty biscotti! And I love that you have a Peter rabbit mug!!!
