
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Chocolate, Oatmeal and Peanut Butter Oh MY!

Well, the kids are back in the kitchen...or they were last week when we made these cookies for Daddy to take on his second day at work! They sure were sad to see him return to the daily grind after being home with him for 13 months...

So here we are making Stefany of Proceed with Caution choice, Chunky Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters! The kids were thrilled by the choice...and hoping for some of that Kraft PB that we bought for the recipe!

Now here they are hard at work...scooping the cookies all by themselves...this is a BIG step for me. I did have to intervene a little to help them keep their cookies in tidy rows (sorry...I just couldn't help myself!) But I did let them do most of it...I was so proud (of my own restraint that is!)
Now, I did not put my dough in the fridge (as if my 4 and 6 year olds were going to wait for the dough to chill!) So, these cookies spread and became massive indeed! Here they are...

Now here are our testers enjoying their cookies...this was a few days later as the kids had a bumpy start to the week and had to earn their treat this week! Most of the cookies were brought to work by my husband and his colleagues are wondering when we will make them again...I have to admit...this was not one of my favourites...they were okay but those granola grabbers from a few weeks ago were FANTASTIC!


  1. What adorable little helpers!

  2. don't know this yet, but baking with your kids is the best it will ever be. i remember those years and seeing your kids making cookies nearly made me cry. :)

  3. What gorgeous kids! And the cookies look great as well!

  4. We, too, liked the granola grabbers tons better.

    Chilling the dough really helped.

  5. How wonderful to have your kids help! It will give them great memories, I know -- and you too!

  6. Your kids are BEAUTIFUL! I'm impressed that you let them do it on their own. I would definitely have to sit on my hands, but I know my time will come some day. I loved the Grabbers, too!

  7. That last picture is the BEST!! I cooked with my children when they were young and now they both are fantastic cooks (they're in their 20's).
    Great job! And I agree with you about the cookies: very good, but not a favorite of mine.
