
Friday, September 19, 2008

Back 2 School

Well, as with everything (well most things) these days, I am running behind schedule. The kids started school a few weeks ago now and are happily settling in. Sarah is in Grade 1 now...such a big girl full days and she even eats lunch there too! While Sean has just begun JK and he is loving it!!!

Just to make sure the teachers start their year off right...we made this delight in our first Creative Kids session of the school year. We dipped apple wedges into melted chocolate and then decorated them with was hard to convince the kids that they 'wanted' to give them away!!! We wrapped them up and made little tags to go with them and they were set to go!

What teacher wouldn't like this apple on their desk?

Now it's important that the kids have something to hang onto as well so, we made a 6x6 Scrapbooking page to highlight their first day of school. You can see that the one below is my sample but the kids did a great job with lacing the apple and putting the page together!

We have our Thanksgiving Creative Kids session coming up on September 28th! We hope to see you there!


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