
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Great Granola Grabbers Batman!

Alright...who wants to bake cookies??? There was a quick "WE DO!!!" in my kitchen on Monday morning!!! Sarah & Sean were delighted to set off on a culinary adventure while Baby Simon was fast asleep (or so I thought!)

We got all the ingredients mixed up and ready to go when Simon the kids took a quick run in the yard while I fed Simon and we reconvened to scoop the cookies out and get them in the oven. This was a perfect job for the kids...Granola Grabbers as chosen by Michelle of Bad Girl Baking are messy!!! But won big on the fun factor with both the kids!

Mummy can we have a cookie??? Was the cry I then heard...we decided to let them cool while we went for a walk. We took some to Daddy at work where they had rave reviews for them! Then we decided to have lunch and try some ourselves...

The panel of judges gave this recipe 4 thumbs up!

Thank you Michelle for choosing another awesome Tuesdays with Dorie recipe!!! I wonder what we all used to do before this...



  1. I think its great your kids helped bake them! I miss my little boys around helping out! Now all I have it a kitten who likes to jump on the table and watch me bake/cook!

  2. I love the pics of the kids helping! Future bakers in the making! :)

  3. Very nice - your dough looks much more like cookie dough than mine did. Mine was practically granola with a little smear of cookie dough holding it all together!

  4. made my heart ache! My kids are grown and gone, but reading your post reminded me of baking with them. Wonderful memories being made for you and for them. Your kids are so beautiful. (And the cookies look great, too!)

  5. Love that the kids helped out! They are gorgeous and so are your cookies!

  6. My little one helped make these cookies and the fun factor was definitely there! Here's to the future bakers! Great job!

  7. Your dough looks better than mine did.

    Great job

  8. Love the picture of your daughter giving the thumbs up!! Your kids are beautiful. The cookies look delicious.

  9. How wonderful that your kids helped bake the cookies! Such a special memory for them :)

  10. Darling pictures! And I love that you served yours on the very same Ikea plates that I did too lol! Great job!

  11. Wow! You let your kids eat them? I hid them from mine. More for me! ;-)
