
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Arrg Matey TWD with Dorie, Princesses and Pirates!

Well, this week's Tuesday with Dorie recipe was chosen by Dolores of Chronicles in Culinary Curiosity and was Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream. While this sounds quite lovely...I was challenged on several fronts. Not having any time to speak of with our annual birthday party for Sarah & Sean, no lactose free sour cream and no ice cream maker. So, this week they offered an alternative to do a past recipe. Be sure to check out the lovely Ice Cream some of my fellow Dorie fans created in the meantime here is my treat of the week!

Since it was birthday time here I chose to make Bill's Big Carrot Cake from April 22 chosen by Amanda of slow like honey. I used this to create the Princess Cake for our Pirates and Princess Party. Everyone loved the cake and especially enjoyed the coconut in the batter. Here it is...Now the pirates needed a cake as here we have it! A chocolate cake all done up in fondant. Now, I am particularly proud of this one as it is the first time I have ever managed to the corners right on a square cake when applying fondant!!! I actually took angled pictures of the cake just to show that but I will spare you the agony today!

Now where are the Pirate and the Princess you ask? Here they can barely see the tiera on Sarah but I made tieras with garland and ribbon for all the girls to wear. They were easy to make and super sweet!

Here is our princess with Bill's Carrot Cake! She was quite delighted with her crown cake. I did follow the recipe I just changed the colour of the icing and decorated it up!

It was nice to make something that I needed this really took a load off as we are heading on vacation...actually we are already on vacation as I created this post on Sunday and set it to post on Tuesday. There is packing to be done and party pick-up too!



  1. I wish I were as creative as you! Awesome job!

  2. Glad you got a chance to try the carrot cake; I LOVED that recipe. You were far more creative than I was with it. :)

  3. I'm dying to try the carrot cake. Looks great. And you are amazing, by the way! :o)

  4. The carrot cake makes awesome cupcakes, too.

    Such cute cakes! Great job.
