
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

TWD Pie in the Oven...

Well, if all has gone well...I am in the hospital with the latest addition to our family right now...but as a treat to my family I decided to bake this week's treat anyway...This week's Tuesday's with Dorie recipe Double Crusted Blueberry Pie was selected by Amy of South in your Mouth.

Since it is nowhere near blueberry season here in Southern Ontario and we have so much local fruit available I decided to sub cherries for blueberries. This was, of course, having to go out and locate a cherry pitter and making a splatter disaster all over the kitchen and myself pitting the cherries!!! It was entertaining at least!

I am not normally very good with pie crust (even our 6yo daughter managed to remind me of this when I was rolling out the dough (she watched very closely for fatal errors). But this dough (once refridgerated) was lovely to roll out. I can't believe I managed to pull it off in one go for each of the crusts (top and bottom!) I did make the edges a little too thick for my liking but other than that the crust really was quite lovely if I do say so myself!

Here it finished product...everyone loved it and I was again the star Mummy on the scene!

We served it up with some ice cream and enjoyed it on our patio...our last supper as a family of crazy!!! Tomorrow is a big day and I still have some packing to do (well, all of my packing really). So I need to remove myself from here and get to work! Do you think I will get some of my own homemade pie in the hospital? I am wondering who is going to eat it now that I have to fast and the kids are going to be out and about with various volunteers from our family and friends!



  1. You officially win my Superwoman award. Moving, a baby on the way, two children, and you bake a pie? And pit the cherries? You're amazing!
    Madam Chow

  2. Your pie looks beautiful, and I bet it tasted wonderful as well with cherries :) Best wishes on your new blessing to your family!

  3. Holy Smokes-I'm impressed! Your pie looks amazing and you pull that off with all you've got on your plate. I need to bow down. Congrats on the latest addition to your fam.

  4. Crazy! And I thought I was packing it in because I was on vacation for four days - you're nuts!

  5. Wow you've been busy! Cherry pie is always nice and congrats on the new addition to your family! :)

  6. wow, best of luck to you and awesome job on the pie!!

  7. Wow! Your pie looks amazing and congrats to the new addition!

  8. Yum! I love cherry pie! Great job and congrats and best wishes to your family!

  9. Congratulations and best of luck with the new addition! How exciting. By the way, you truly are AMAZING!!

  10. That's a gorgeous pie. Congratulations and best wishes to your family!

  11. I can't believe that you made that pie before heading out to the hospital to give birth! You're an inspiration!!!

  12. Holy Moly! With all you have going on, I can't believe you were able to make this pie too! It looks great!

    Congrats and best wishes on the new addition! I hope everything is going well.

  13. Your pie looks great! Congrats on the new addition!

  14. I hope you and the new little one are doing fantastic. I'm sure your family appreciated a little homey touch from Mommy! Very sweet of you (you wild and crazy nester you! LOL!) ; )

  15. Wow, you are one busy and energetic lady! Your pie looks delicious. (I'm going for cherry, too -- late, however). Very best wishes to you & your family!

  16. WOW, you are dedicated!

    Your pie looks fabulous! Mmmm, cherries, love 'em!
