
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

TWD Apple Cheddar Loveliness

With each passing week I think that I am not going to get to the treat of the week as the weather is so hot here (we have no air conditioning in our house so I do not want to unnecessarily heat the house) but then we have this one amazingly cool day that I break down, turn the oven on and make the treat of the week. I can't seem to help myself!!!

This week's Tuesday with Dorie delight was Apple Cheddar Scones chosen by Karina of The Floured Apron. There was a lot of talk this week about the dried apples...I have to admit I did not go out of my way to find them...I simply gave in and grated some fresh apples. This did not seem to negatively impact the recipe in anyway however, I did find that they were a little too fine so next time I would chop rather than grate...I LOVE apples and cheddar and I just did not get enough of them in this recipe!

I made these first thing in the morning and served them to my tasters first thing in the morning as part of their breakfast. This was followed up with at least one "You're the best Mummy ever!" What can I say? Things are very dramatic in the Creative Bug Household!!!! Anyway, we did find that the preference was to serve the scones with butter as it did not detract from their lovely flavour...they were light and fluffy...everything a scone should be.

In order to be able to make these puppies square I had to use a whole lot of flour and pat them out carefully...but they did not cause any trouble once they were paired with the flour. The only substitution I made this week was shortening for the butter (Dorie even mentions that this is okay). It helped me save a little on that organic lactose free butter we seem to be burning through ever since I joined Tuesdays with Dorie!!!

Here they are in all their loveliness...a recipe worth indulging in. Simplicity at its finest.



  1. I love the way scones are nestled in the basket. Nice job!

  2. Glad you liked the scones, and it's good to know shortening works well in them. I'm racing through butter now too!

  3. Dorie robs us of all the butter! I think she may be made of butter.
    Great job!

  4. I, too, am going through an alarming amount of butter each week. And I've never heard of lactose-free butter - go figure!
    Madam Chow

  5. I am going through a ton of butter every week. Maybe I should invest in a dairy farm! Great scones I love your pictures!

  6. You're the best Mummy ever!

    There just isn't a better 'review' than that.

    And I'm with you... between Dorie and the Daring Bakers, my kitchen's butter consumption has increased exponentially.

  7. Oh, God, I can't believe I'm buying butter at Costco now. Lovely scones!


  8. Your scones look delicious!
