
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesdays with the kids...errr Dorie

This weeks pick for TWD was Summer Fruit Galette by Michelle in Colorado Springs. Well, in my most recent attempt to be a great Mummy...I made my pie crust dough and enlisted Sarah& Sean to roll it out between parchment paper. This turned out to be a complete nightmare as I had made an error while making the dough but was hoping that a little extra flour would correct it.

It didn't work so then I started over...sadly the difference appears to be in the butter. You see, our son is lactose intolerant and we have been enjoying a little shopping at Whole Foods until I went on Maternity Leave and no longer travel that way. I am glad to be off but I am missing Whole Foods already!!! So, batch #2 was rough as #1 Mummy slipped a few ranks and just put the Summer Fruit Galette together herself. Sorry kids!!! At least we tried...

I hope to find another supplier of my Earth Balance Butter soon as these were pretty sad looking Galettes...I did try one and to be honest the end product was a little disappointing as well. I did not make the custard since there was no room left in my galettes so that may have been part of the problem...but the crust was definitely too think (I just couldn't get it to cooperate! I managed to scrape together 4 mini galettes which I am sure the kids will enjoy with some ice cream tomorrow...

I am happy to be getting back into the swing of things but am off to sleep now as Simon's 3am wake-up call will be here far too quickly!



  1. I'm sure your kids enjoyed helping, I know that our brothers and sisters do!

  2. It's wonderful that you got the kids involved! :)

  3. Your pictures are so incredibly cute. I love the mini galettes!

  4. I also think it's great that you're getting the kids involved when and where you can. Trust me, you're making memories that will last them a lifetime.

  5. It's great that you are getting the kids involved -- I have some wonderful memories of helping my Mom with cherry pies. And truly, I think seeing parents be resourceful when things go wrong is a great life lesson. After all, it's impossible to get it right all the time so we'd all better learn to cope with that!

    Better luck next week and enjoy the galettes anyway!

  6. How nice that everyone got to help!
