
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

TWD - Chocolate Cream Puffs

I don't have a lot of process photos this's not something that I excel at especially when it comes to goodies outside of my comfort zone. I wasn't sure if I was going to participate in this week's session first because the Peppermint Cream seemed undauntingly dairy then simply because I am 35 weeks pregnant and tired!

In the end, my stubbornness prevailed and I had to try I substituted chocolate cream for the peppermint cream which meant that I had all the goodies required to make these treats and went to town!!!

Again, the substitutions were limited in the end. For the chocolate I used chocolate chips and melted them and then I used lactose free butter in place of the butter...oh yes, and vanilla soy yogurt in the glaze (it was the best I could do on short notice!)
The taste testers all agreed that this was another recipe worth trying! Please stop by Tuesday's with Dorie so you can see more delightful renditions of the Cream Puffs and check out Dorie's book Baking From my Home to Yours for more inspirational treats!


  1. Now that's determination! Chocolate cream sounds wonderful, and I'm glad you were able to make these!

  2. Your pastries look very tasty, you are quite creative with your substitutions. I like the strawberries with the chocolate too.

  3. The chocolate cream sounds divine, well done!

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  4. I love your variations and chocolate is always a good thing! :)

  5. Wow, way to go making it great with all those substitutions! It looks so yummy. Good luck with the end of your pregnancy, too! :)

  6. all that AND 35 weeks pregnant? oh wow...great job and good luck on the delivery (not quite as easy as this dough, but, well, the joy lasts longer!) hope it isn't too hot where you are - i was pregnant last summer, right up until aug 31. uggh. hhhooottt.

  7. Gorgeous photos with the strawberries. Looks wonderful!

  8. Yum chocolate cream! Like all of your variations! Good luck with the delivery!

  9. The chocolate cream is sooooo good. And the strawberries really make your photo pop. Nice job!


  10. great job w/your adaptations! i also used chocolate chips :)

    they look beautiful!

  11. Wow, I'm impressed that you found the energy for this one! The chocolate cream looks absolutely delicious.

  12. Your puffs look great. Mmmm chocolate and strawberry.

  13. Way to prevail. Your puffs look delish!

  14. I'm so glad you found the time and the energy to try this one... I *love* what you've done with it... the strawberries play beautifully off the puffy pastry and the decadent chocolate cream.
