
Friday, June 13, 2008

Rainbow Heaven

Alright, I am not always good at taking photos so I made an extra effort today. Today was Sarah's last 'Special Day' at school and she is a summer baby so as a treat I made cupcakes for the kids and they had an 'unbirthday' celebration for her. How delightful!

I had a lot of fun making these...they were super easy too...wish I could tell you where I got my inspiration from but my head is so muddled with the late stages of pregnancy that it's amazing that I remember anything these days!!!

So, I made Yellow Cake batter, split it into 3 bowls and used Wilton colourant to make my colours (yes, I added yellow to the batter to make the colour nice and rich).

Next, I took a Tbsp of each colour and put them in my cupcake papers. Now to make this extra fun, I varied the order that the colours went into the cups so that they all had different colour tops. Are we having fun yet???

We baked as directed and I was delighted to find that in some cases the bottom colour popped up to the top! Of c0urse you could, as my DH suggested, run a knife through them to swirl the colour a bit more but I did not feel the need to add that extra step.

Still following along? Now the next question do you top these beauties off? I have to admit there was a part of me that just wanted to top them off with a bit of white icing and call it a cupcake. However, that was not deemed acceptable by the 'unbirthday' girl.

Instead we made some complementary icing, through it in a bag together and ended up with these rainbow swirl beauties you see below. The kids loved them and I got a "You're the best Mummy EVER!" out of them so all is right with the world today!


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