
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Creative Cake Crisis!

Yesterday when we were sitting down for lunch at about 1pm we got a call from our neighbour inviting us over for a BBQ to celebrate his wife surviving 8 months of college. We asked what he wanted us to bring and he suggested that we might pick up a cake. Now, my husband's response was...'my wife doesn't buy cakes, she makes them...'

So there I was at 3pm starting this cake. I wanted to make a beautiful, decadent chocolate cake. I don't know what happened but it wasn't pretty as you can see...

So, now things were getting down the to the wire but I am stubborn so I started over again. As I was working on the next cake, I was funny would it be if Martin presented our friends with my flopped cake and a dramatic story about his wife having a total emotial moment in her pregnancy as a result...well, Martin loved the idea so he took the kids and that chocolate disaster above to our neighbours while I finished the cake below...

When I brought this over, I got the biggest hug ever from Ryan who told me it didn't matter what the cake looked like, he was looking forward to it anyway. Then I pulled the dome off of this and he was shocked! Ann didn't see the cake before supper and pulled me aside and we discussed the woes of pregnancy.

After supper we put the chocolate mound on the table and much to my surprise everyone was prepared to participate in the indulgence of, we got out a serving spoon and were ready to go when I walked in with the real cake.

Well, there is only a bit left of each cake and Ann and Ryan are now on-guard for payback...funny because this is the first time Martin and I have ever played a practical joke on anyone...we aren't really like that but the opportunity presented itself so loud and clear...we just couldn't resist!

And yes, I had both of these cakes and decorated in just over 4 hours. Whew! What a day!


PS Did I mention that Ann is now lying on a beach in Cuba celebrating with a few of her classmates? Hooray for Ann! Congratulations Girlfriend!!!

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