
Friday, April 25, 2008

Boy oh Boy!!!

For those of you with boys out there...or transportation loving girls...this is the set for you!!! I wanted to finish the packaging as well before I posted it however, I was disappointed to find that I am out of 12x12 paper.

These are so fun!!! My kids are absolutely enamoured with them. Each one opens a different way. If you pull the cloud that the airplane is passing you will find a secret message inside. The space ships open up to reveal a place to write while the car and dump truck have flaps that are tacked shut with some hodgepodge hardware.

These will all be wrapped up in some fabulous packaging as yet to be determined when I get myself some more cardstock!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Graduation Final...

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to edit my photos but here is a quick shot of my latest version of the graduation page that I am working on. I changed the black ribbon to satin, added the title and made a few other small changes.

This is a photo of the page in the frame I purchased for the buyer. Unfortunately, I could not get a shot without my reflection in it but I think this gives you a good idea of what it looks like.

It's been fun putting this together. I always love a challenge and was happy to find a layout that incorporates at least one of the school colours...


Creative Cake Crisis!

Yesterday when we were sitting down for lunch at about 1pm we got a call from our neighbour inviting us over for a BBQ to celebrate his wife surviving 8 months of college. We asked what he wanted us to bring and he suggested that we might pick up a cake. Now, my husband's response was...'my wife doesn't buy cakes, she makes them...'

So there I was at 3pm starting this cake. I wanted to make a beautiful, decadent chocolate cake. I don't know what happened but it wasn't pretty as you can see...

So, now things were getting down the to the wire but I am stubborn so I started over again. As I was working on the next cake, I was funny would it be if Martin presented our friends with my flopped cake and a dramatic story about his wife having a total emotial moment in her pregnancy as a result...well, Martin loved the idea so he took the kids and that chocolate disaster above to our neighbours while I finished the cake below...

When I brought this over, I got the biggest hug ever from Ryan who told me it didn't matter what the cake looked like, he was looking forward to it anyway. Then I pulled the dome off of this and he was shocked! Ann didn't see the cake before supper and pulled me aside and we discussed the woes of pregnancy.

After supper we put the chocolate mound on the table and much to my surprise everyone was prepared to participate in the indulgence of, we got out a serving spoon and were ready to go when I walked in with the real cake.

Well, there is only a bit left of each cake and Ann and Ryan are now on-guard for payback...funny because this is the first time Martin and I have ever played a practical joke on anyone...we aren't really like that but the opportunity presented itself so loud and clear...we just couldn't resist!

And yes, I had both of these cakes and decorated in just over 4 hours. Whew! What a day!


PS Did I mention that Ann is now lying on a beach in Cuba celebrating with a few of her classmates? Hooray for Ann! Congratulations Girlfriend!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tart and Tangy Fun!

Well, I still have some work to finish the Graduation Layout but in the meantime I took a well deserved break last night for a little bit of fun! A friend of ours just finished her last exam and is getting ready to escape for a week after 8 months of hard work and studying so I made these for her...she loved them!

This is the first time I have had a chance to get Tart and Tangy out...I just haven't had time for stamping lately...of course it was fabulous because it meant I got to use my new markers too!!! Hooray! Such fun!

To keep this one simple I used the Print Pack Hostess set and the colour scheme from them including real red, wild wasabi, bashful blue and apricot appeal. They are 3x3 cards that will fit perfectly in my Stampin Up mini envelopes.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Graduation Page

I am working on this page for a special friend of mine who is very much looking forward to her step-daughter's university graduation in June. She asked me to come up with something and frame it so she could have a special momento from the day...

I was pretty stumped for colours on this one as the university colours are red and blue so I decided to go with red and black. The first 2 verses of "Oh the places you'll go" by Dr. Suess are the journalling around the edges of the white paper it goes...

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know. A
nd YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

I know that this isn't anything like she was imagining but it is my first go at it so I hope she really likes it. I would like to change the red paper to a textured red (I also tore it a little short), I have a typo on the white in the verse and there was an accident with some water on the large photo mat so it has puckered...oh yes and I would like to change the black ribbon to a satin ribbon rather than the grosgrain but first I need approval on the artwork! ;)

I hope she likes, strike that...I hope she loves it!


Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring has Sprung!!!

Happy Anniversary Creative Bug! We have had 2 great years of friends and workshops! This week's workshop was temporarily displaced as the floor was being done in my actual workshop but the show must go on....and so it did!

The kids had a great time yesterday (I had no connectivity due to the renovations yesterday!) Doing everything from making the cookies, to stamping the cards and finally putting it all together. They did such a great job too!

I am looking forward to May when we get to create our Mother's Day Gifts in my actual workshop. Hooray!!!


Friday, April 11, 2008

When you wish upon a star...

I know they are not real stars in the sky but I think that they can hold as much hope as those that twinkle overhead...I have always been an optimist at heart...

Today is Sarah's Special Day and the sound of the week is 'ar' so not being able to control myself, I made about 70 little stars using this tutorial. My thumb still feels a little funny even though I finished the stars last night but now Sarah and I are both happy with her Show and Tell!


Sunday, April 06, 2008

An Oldie but a Goodie...

I needed a card in a hurray this morning (as if I didn't know this was coming!) The kids had a birthday party to go to this afternoon and our weekend has been so busy! Well, I pulled out a box of cards that I hadn't visited for sometime and found this beauty.

Well, Sarah identified it as perfect since they are planting seeds at the birthday party today!

I was delighted to find this and a few other treasures in my box! Such fun! I hope she has a great birthday!


Saturday, April 05, 2008

My Happy Place

Where is the happy place in your house? Mine is in my workshop/office. Especially now that it is painted, has curtains and is nearly ready for its new floor. I am really excited! I even have things hanging on the wall!!!

The best part, of course, is my scrapbooking wall where you can see 3 of my most recently completed layouts. The kids love coming into my room in the morning to see what bits I have left laying around and if the layouts in the frames have changed! They tell me their favourite photos and layouts and what they like about's nice to have them encouraging me as I scrapbook our adventures (even if I am a few years behind!!!)

I will share more bits about my room with you as they develop...I hope to see my new flooring down in the next month or so. Once the nice weather is here to stay my DH will be outside slaving away on our new patio so the sooner the better!!! He is in fact outside now enjoying the beautiful weather and working away (good thing he got my painting done yesterday!!!)

Deja Vu?

Well, since I have recently put a bunch of Scrapbooking Frames on my Workshop Wall (I'll show them to you in another post.) I have been asked a lot of questions about them.

One of the inquiries led to an actual sale of completed scrapbook pages for my SIL. She would like to have a similar set-up in her recroom and have them rotate through different layouts throughout the year. So, I sold her 2 sets of the layout of the month for May (I know that's tricky since it's only April but what can I say?!)

So here are the completed layouts (they just need titles, journaling and photos);

And the other set...

Even though these layouts are based on layouts I have already created I must admit that I fell in love with them all over again! Seeing the layouts in different papers was quite eye opening for me. In fact, I don't think they are going to be that easy to let go of!!!

I hope she loves them!


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April's Page of the Month!

After a few requests I have decided to offer kits to create your own scrapbooking pages similar to select pages that I have completed. They will range from simple to complex and one 2-page layout will be available for purchase each month.

So here's how it works;

DIY - Simple $8, Titles $2; Complex $12, Titles $3
Custom - Simple $15; Complex $20

For example the page of the month for April can be found in this post (sorry, I seem to have lost the original photo of the page).

This is a simple page so if you want to all the pieces to complete the page yourself it will cost $8 for all the materials and embellishments (adhesive not included). Variations on this include;

  1. If you want me to create a custom Title for you it will be an additional $2.
  2. If you want the layout complete with a custom Title and put together it would be a total of $15.

Why would you want to buy-in? Easy, this is a great way to have some eye-catching work to enjoy on your walls or in your scrapbooks while saving the time it takes to decide on papers, setting up a layout, etc.

Just send me a note or give me a call if you are interested in April's Page of the Month!


Finally! More Scrapbooking done!

You know sometimes it feels like it takes forever to get these layouts finished!!! This time I just hadn't had a chance to get to the Black's to pick up my photos. I always have them printed's just one of my quirks when it comes to photos. Anyway, I am now done not just one but 2 layouts that I am quite pleased with.

First we have saw page 1 sometime ago. Now page 2 is done as well!

I bought the paper I used for Sean's on a whim and am really loving it! It was fun to use for sure!

Paper: Western Sky, River Rock, Bayou Blue, Soft Sky, Ruby Red, Basic Black
Accessories: Jumbo Eyelettes, Cricut Plaintin Schoolbook Cartridge

As you can see I used the same layout for Sarah's pages but I wanted them to be softer...I am quite pleased with the final product!

Paper: Ginger Blossom, Whisper White
Accessories: Pretties Flowers, Cricut Plaintin Schoolbook Cartridge, misc brads
