
Friday, March 28, 2008

Are you Savvy?

I am such a sucker for mail! I went to the post office today and there were 4 parcel slips in my box...I was thinking 'no way'. So I went to the counter and sure enough there were 3 packages for me (usually we just collect a number of slips for 1 parcel!) I was so excited to bring my goodies home....

  1. I got 15 rolls of adhesive for my ATG. My supplier is no longer in business so I was stocking up.
  2. I got my latest CARDS magazine
  3. I got these awesome little treats from Savvy Mom! They are called Sipahhs...the kids loved them! They are delightful straws filled with 'flavour beads' I will call them. They are also allergen free (no nuts, milk, soy...hooray!)

If you are a Canadian Mom and haven't had a chance to check out Savvy Mom yet you is a great source of things to do, places to go and ideas for all of us...they even have different issues for different major markets in Canada.

I hope to have more creative adventures to share over the's been a busy week here!

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