
Monday, November 05, 2007

Calendar Update

Oohh! First I should tell you that I have added a link to an Events Calendar, you will see it in the sidebar so if you are looking for classes to attend or inspiration at a Crop/Open Stamp Night Check it out! I have started booking into the New Year for all of those that are keen to get Creative in 2008!

Now, I shared a number of pages with you earlier but they were jammed together and it was hard to take it all in so I will share some of the pages with you individually now!

Since we are heading into the chillier weather, let's start with November...I had a little inspiration for this one...

I got the template for the Snowman Seeds on Katydidcreations she has some great templates! Then, I couldn't figure out what to do with the Wintergreen paper...I know it's so nice but I was absolutely stumped! So, I did a search and came up with Valerie's Card and it inspired the layout (my mother always taught me to give credit where it is due!) Thank you Katy and Valerie for your inspiration!

Stamps: Cold Play, Canvas Background
Paper: Wintergreen, Soft Sky, Always Artichoke, Whisper White
Ink: Basic Black, Only Orange, Soft Sky
Accessories: SnowBlossom Punch, glue pen, Dazzling Diamonds, brad

Now for have seen a similar card to this if you have looked in some of my older entries (I love using cards as inspiration for my scrapbooking!)

You can find the tutorial to create this amazing tree on Stamp Your Heart Out and remember, our Designer Papers are on sale in November so if you see anything you like, let me know!
Stamps: Priceless
Ink: Certainly Celery
Paper: Glorious Green, Certainly Celery, Whisper White, Certainly Celery Prints, Chocolate Chip
Accessories: Snowflake Brad

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