
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

SMASH Stitching

When you run a program with youth you really cannot anticipate how they will respond to your well laid out plans.

SMASH Club is all about trying different mediums. You saw Sharpies, watercolours and more but one of my favourites was the stitching. Not because it was easy because it wasn't. There were a lot of needles to thread. Not because the participants all engaged and fell in love. 

I loved the stitching because this happened. See that table? There are 3 boys sitting at it. They are following the designs they made and putting them to canvas with needle and cord.


Sitting and stitching.

This was probably the hardest medium for most of the artists but it wasn't about creating something amazing but rather to put the tools in their hands.

Just put the tools in their hands and they will create.

There is no wrong way, there are many ways to create art, to express yourself.

I love watching creativity unfold.

Looking forward to creating with you soon!

Much love,

Monday, June 04, 2018

This is me...

I crash. A lot. And when I do, I get back up. Sometimes I do it on my own, sometimes Mr. CB is there to help me and sometimes it is my village that dusts me off and helps me back up.

My village includes many people. Maybe you already know but my village includes a lot of young people. They are the ones who inspire me and they are not always there when I crash but they are part of my reason for getting back up and trying again. They've taught me it's all about the recovery.

Right now, Creative Bug is recovering. We are recovering from a summer of adventure and a few hard years. So many times I almost walked away from Creative Bug but then I was reminded that this is my place, my gift. And I want you to know that.

We began around our kitchen table in Toronto on Sunday mornings just over 12 years ago. It was for my children, about my children and a fun outlet for me. Over the years I have learned to decorate cakes, sew and create with many mediums. I have learned that I am passionate about teaching and I am really passionate about learning.

My family has taught me this, the children who come in and out of my life by way of Creative Bug have taught me this and my faith has taught me this. 

So when you consider sending your budding artists to Creative Bug know that you are sending them to a place where we create community, build resilience and we create but most of all, we have fun!

This isn't for my children anymore, it is for your children and our community.

We have 2 great camps happening where they will have the chance to have fun and delight in the act of creating.

These camps will be a journey, we will begin together but each artist will have the opportunity to choose their own adventures as we go. There will be time for play, time for work and time to sit and eat together. We will become a tribe.

It's going to be incredible!

Contact me at or 905-359-6917 to join our adventures this summer!

Looking forward to creating with you soon!
