
Friday, September 29, 2017

It's a dog's life...

I now have more dog friends than I ever could have anticipated. Over my 11 weeks I lived with 5 dogs in the 7 places that I was invited to live. Those I miss them. What a delight to be able to just play with them and spoil them.

This is Hali. She and I played a lot together...she is the sweetest thing.

 I enjoyed so much of this time, of this work but boy there were days where this sentiment felt was so much work. When we were working, boy did we work. Rest was always well deserved and drinks were infrequent but much appreciated. we were heading home on our last day in Nova Scotia, I found this bottle of Coke that I was simply delighted by. I was ready.

It was time to come home...

So tired.
So worn.
So empty.

Much love,

Thursday, September 28, 2017


 As I was planning our Halifax programs, our host made it clear that visiting Sherbrooke Lake Camp was top of the list in terms of necessity. Upon arriving, one of the first things you see is this bridge that leads the way into the woods to a path that, for me, is not yet taken. Perhaps the next time I find myself at Sherbrook, I will discover where it leads for now...I will just enjoy what is signifies...

A place where friendships are made and boundaries are stretched.

I got out for a paddle with my friend Mat. He is the one that made the trip out to camp happen. It was such a good space to be in.

We enjoyed a full afternoon and some time into the evening there...just taking it in...

And celebrating all of our blessings....

Mat has been to camp the last few days and has shared some of the beautiful space that it is through the Sherbrooke Lake Instagram account. Check it out sometime.

So full of beauty.
So full of life.
So full of the Holy Spirit.

Much love,

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Oh Halifax...

I's taking me a long time to get through this journey but I am back in the throws of my reality in Ontario...

But...but...Halifax, I sure do miss you. I miss the smell of the ocean of the breeze coming up off the harbour. I miss the people I met and the people I knew before I went. I miss the community that we created during our GO Projects...but I am happy to be home too. Of course, I am happy to be with my family...

We enjoyed a photography walk one of our program days in was nice to get out and just take in some of the city.

To be silly and to enjoy the people we met along this journey.

It was good. Yes, it was.

So full of memories.
So full of moments.
So full of life.

Much love,