
Saturday, November 03, 2012

Angry Birds on the Loose!

I always get excited when a fun new theme is suggested...and I was super excited about this one. It was new! It was exciting! And my kids were thrilled!

It was Angry Birds!
But first? Let's bake the cupcakes!
Look at those birds!!!
And more birds! These necklaces were super-fun to make!
We had a lot of fun Angry Bird Style at this party!


Thursday, November 01, 2012

Diva for a Day!

It took some thinking to come up with just the right theme for this party but in the end...we figured it out! The birthday girl was thrilled with the idea of a Diva Party with Sleep Masks, Bubblegum Necklaces and some sweet cupcakes!
 The detail that went into the masks was incredible! They had a lot of fun decorating them!
 And the necklaces were fun to was a good opportunity for the girls to try their hand at some needlework.
 Check out that necklace!
 These girls weren't here for a longtime but they were definitely here for a good time!
 Happy Birthday! I hope you had as much fun at your party as I did!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Falling for leaf at a time...

Yes, I am still at Community Living every week! Sometimes I forget to take photos and I did take August off because well, even I need to rest! ;)

In September we started to celebrate fall. First with Frosted Glass Votives and some Sweet Stamping...
 See? We went rustic with some twine too!
 Then the next week we went with an Apple Theme! We made apple crisp and homemade ice cream to go!
 These little foil packets were just great so everyone could take some home!
It smelled so lovely there...mmmm...I think we are due for some crisp here now! ;)


Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Birthday fit for a Princess!

It was an incredible moment this summer as our first born reached double digits...I mean. Really? It is hard to believe that so much time has slipped by!

I wanted to make a cake that would show her "Big Girl" status AND to go with her gift from us...
 She loves writing her name in cursive and practices it all the time...girls can be so sweet!
It's not easy to see but her gift from us was getting her ears pierced. It took a bit of convincing to get Mr. CB on board but he bought in and she was thrilled to bits!
It's so hard to believe that she is 10...did I say that already?


Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Rainbow Connection! Camp 2012

Honestly? I think this was my favourite camp! I mean they were all fun but this one? Well, a few of the little people stole my heart (I <3 a="a" and="and" dance="dance" friday.="friday." friends="friends" her="her" kids="kids" michelle="michelle" new="new" on="on" p="p" parents="parents" planned="planned" presented="presented" really="really" routine="routine" she="she" showed="showed" stuff="stuff" taught="taught" the="the" to="to" us="us" with="with">

Anyway...everything was coming up rainbows all week! Even Simon knows the colour order for the rainbow and he is just 4! We made Rainbow Cupcakes! 
 Sidewalk Chalk in Rainbow Colours! This was fun but a little tedious...I loved it but it's not for everyone...
 We tried to make Rainbow Bubbles but it didn't work. At the end of the day when you can make these awesome Bubble Snakes you really don't need them to be you?
 Rainbow Popsicles! These were fun to make but the best part was unwrapping them to see the lovely popsicles inside!
 Rainbow Camp Jewelry! These were fun to make and a great accessory to go with our Rainbow Tie Dye Shirts!
 Rainbow Crayon Art! This was one of my favourite activities for sure! It was SO fun watching the kids organize their crayons and create their own art!
 Finally! We ended with Fireworks! A Dance Routine second to none choreographed by my staff to Katy Perry's Firework.
It was a great way to end a great summer full of fun camps! Until next year...


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sew Much More! Camp 2012

If you know know I have a passion for Up-Cycling. You know? Making old things new again? SO...on this year's list of camps was a camp to do just that (and get some sewing in at the same time!)

We started off with our was fun! It was like we scrapbooked on them! Everyone had a different take on the task but they were all fun and unique!
 Next up? Who doesn't need a tote bag? And a Kool Aid Jammer one? These were fun to make as the kids all created patterns and looked for just the right foil packs for their creations!
 We got ready for the sock hop with these little guys and some other fun creations including Sock Bunnies and Sock Caterpillars! Oh and Sock Water Bottle Holders!
 And old pair of jeans quickly became a new apron with some frills added.
 Dad's old dress shirt became a pillow...we used ties to make mini-totes too!
These girls were creative and spunky! We had a great time creating together!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Creative Cook Camp 2012

This camp was SO fun! We spent time thinking outside of the box by making things that you might normally buy already made at the grocery store! From Pancake Mix and Instant Oatmeal to Corndogs and Pizza we enjoyed them all!

These are our chefs of the week...
 One of our days had a Fast Food Theme to it..."Would YOU like fries with that?"
And we followed this up with some scrapbooking. The scrapbooking was a highlight for was fun for the kids to leave at the end of every week with 4 pages complete with photos!
 We made popsicles every week! What a treat! We made them with pudding, jello, cookies, whipped name it! They sure did help with the heat in July! It was a HOT summer!
 We love pizza here! Everyone designed their own pizzeria and made a pizza to take home and feed their family supper!
We ended the week by hosting a fun event! We made all sorts of snacks for sharing and dipping including Graham Cookies, Marshmallows, Truffles and then the fun dips! Some of our guests also brought along fruit, veggies and other goodies to dip!
We really loved these end of the week parties! It was fun to spend some time with the parents and watching the kids show off their creations!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Creative Cake Camp!

I am pretty embarrassed that I have fallen so far behind. I'm not really sure what's happened but I think it's time to share how much fun we had this summer!

We started out with Creative Cakes...we had fun with nature...
Learned how to pull it altogether with cakes pops!
Things got a little fishy!
 Had fun getting down with Angry Birds!
And brought home cakes to share that were Angry Birds themed! We packed so much into the week and loved every minute of it!


Friday, October 19, 2012

Secret Agent Party

Every year we have the "Big Birthday Party" yep, that's what we call it. You see all 3 of our children are summer babies (after the first one it was a bit of an addiction...) so we have one big party for all 3 at once. And then...when I'm feeling like "SuperMum" I throw in an individual party for one of them. This year it was Sean's turn.

He is my ninja/spy/secret agent kid. So, there wasn't much choice in the matter. I set to work just days before the party was to happen and pulled together some Training Passports.
And some clues for a scavenger hunt...this was hysterical as the kids solved each clue they had to have their passports signed. A task that Mr. CB took very seriously. Sometimes there were stickers other times a sloppy signature. Always in a different colour and each task had a code word to put in the book. It made the party fun for us too! That way the kids were always stopping by to see us...
They had to pop the bombs...these were fun! I put sprinkles in a couple of them. I would put sprinkles in all of them next time because the effect was fabulous!
 They had to finish this drawing to show what the bad guy looked after photo sorry!
 And there was the laser maze. Mr. CB had a hard time following what I wanted him to do until I mentioned the movie with Catherine Zeta Jones and then I lost him for a moment! Here he is trying to escape the maze while the kids zip through it! (they did this over and over again they loved it so much!)
Disguises, weapons and other important gear!
The birthday boy really wanted to give out water guns. It's the first time we've ever had them in our house...well, outside! This kept them busy while we got lunch cooked up.
The Birthday Boy with his cake. Fun and to the point right? He loved the sparkler on top!
Our Secret Agents! The chocolate moustaches were a hit with the kids too! They had to eat them before they left as they were melting from the heat. (you caught me, this party was in July!)
I made my birthday boy pretty happy with this party. We sat down and enjoyed a quiet afternoon when it was all done...whew!


Friday, July 27, 2012

Sew What?! Creative Camps 2012

We started our week by talking about some sewing basics...among them the expression "Measure Twice, Cut Once". Everyone enjoyed this layout and was excited to move onto their first projects of the week!
We started off our week by working on aprons and water bottle holders. We made some appliques, did some hand stitching and had fun!
 Next up? Dresses! We used already made shirts, cut them and added fabric to suit the tastes of the stylists to create custom dresses for everyone!
This project was very popular with these future artists! We made art totes and decorated them with images and personalized them all with the girls' names!
 The big winner of the week? Our monster pillows! They were SO fun to watch the girls put together!

 Boy did I ever have a great week!
