
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Today is The Present...

You know the old adage...
"Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery, Today is a Gift, That's why it's called the Present"
That is what this cake makes me think of...
This cake was for a friend's bridal shower...a gift you could say.
Something fun, spring-like and it's Chocolate Irish Cream Cake with Irish Cream Filling. How could you go wrong with that?

Many blessings to the Bride and Groom to be.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Imagination Movers!

When I was first asked to make an Imagination Movers Cake, I had never even heard of them (sad, I know but we don't have cable!) I set to work with my bff Google and found that there are many memorable bits that I could share but the thing that struck me the most were their jumpsuits.
They are so retro, make them cool and I really wanted to turn a cake into one! I was lucky enough to get the opportunity...
I hope that Ethan had a fabulous day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail!

I have to admit, these photos are from a few weeks ago...time has been slipping by on me. The renovations seem to be all consuming! But they are, finally, moving ahead at a great pace!

Some serious colouring going on here...
These 2 shared ideas throughout the workshop. They have become real buddies! So cute!
Our finished products; Gold Fish Carrots, Easter Baskets and a Washcloth turned into a bunny!
All of these crafts were followed by our annual Easter Egg Hunt (too bad it had to be inside this time around!)


Friday, April 08, 2011

The gift of gab!

During March Break one of the girls I see regularly pulled me aside at the end of the day. Her birthday was coming up and she had some plans she wanted to discuss. So, I gave her my full attention and asked her what she had in mind. She then told me that first I should get paper and a pen. Kids are fabulous aren't they? That's when she expressed she would like a Spa Party BUT, she wanted to make bath bombs, lip gloss and mud masks. Her mother shooshed her aside and said if I couldn't do the mud masks she understood and they would work it out between them.

But if you know me you know that I always do my best to rise to a challenge! So here we are working on the bath bombs!
More bath bomb fun!
Now these girls were SO excited to be out together. They were not on a sugar high (I swear) they were just high energy. They sang for me, they cheered for me, it was the most fun I've had in awhile! They insisted on making a pyramid too!
I'd say that this is a party that these girls won't soon forget! Oh and did you notice? It was a PJ party! So while it wasn't a sleepover the girls did wear their finest pjs, slippers, robes and other bedtime accessories!
